Carl Jung asserts death wants something from us.

            Death is an archetype, one of the experiences we all have, like birth, growing, creating, aging. As an archetype it has intent, i.e. it wants something from us. It seeks to generate behaviors.[33] Like what? Reflection, introspection, a turning within, tending to our soul, appreciating things psychic, like dreams and intuitions, and a deepening of our love of mystery. Death asks us to integrate within ourselves more of reality, including that aspect of ourselves that exists outside space and time. In this way it strives to enrich individual life and make it more whole.

Carl Jung postulates death as a subconscious Archetype generates behaviors, as Carl Jung discuss above. In my freelance article entitled, Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part I, I suggested drug addiction as a subconscious Jungian Archetype for death can potentially generate negative self destructive behavior that consumes society like a beast depicted in the Book of Revelations.

Furthermore, Carl Jung purports subconscious Archetypes can become myths. Carl Jung’s conceptualization of a myth is a subconscious Archetype that slowly arrives at a level of conscience awareness after therapeutic psychological intervention, which may include dream analysis. 

Carl Jung does not use the term myth to imply that something is false. Jungian myths are subconscious archetypes buried deep within the human psyche that become conscious stories. Jungian myths as conscience stories have power to transform. Jungian myths as conscience stories have power to redirect negative self destructive behavior into more positive goal oriented behavior.

In my freelance article entitled, Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part I, I purported a number of myths. In my article I discussed unexpected cognitive imagery within the Book of Revelations as more than a metaphor, but quite real and literal. In my article I discussed unexpected cognitive imagery projected from Book of Revelations as divergent from reality experienced by humans.

Cognitive imagery projected from the Book of Revelations is designed to reshuffle and reorder geometrical rotation of prefrontal lobe neuroelectrical chemical sequences to generate a quantum molecular state of consciousness that helps a dying soul to transcend to a higher plateau of awareness.

The Book of Revelations can be interpreted as a Jungian myth about death. If drug addicts are able to transcend to a higher plateau of awareness than it may save them from premature death as a consequence of overdose.

Another myth I perpetuated within my freelance article, Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part I,  is a myth that drug addicts are caught up in an existential crisis because they love the entire world, every person and thing, too much. Drug addicts intuitively realize their passion is all for naught because the entire world is dying and nothing on this earth has any real substantial absolute meaning.

Furthermore I wrote,

Drug addicts love the entire world too much because they are created in the image of the Almighty Omnipotent creator of the entire majestic physical universe. 

Jesus came to be among us to save the sinner. Jesus is lambasted with stern judgemental consternation for dining with and fraternizing with sinners and prostitutes

In previous freelance articles I wrote I described Quantum molecular physics as the underpinning of human consciousness. In my freelance article entitled, Men of Letters: Our Beloved Country, the United States of America is a History of Rising Above Tumultuous Waves of Revolution because Our Founding Fathers were Men of Letters, I described  early laboratory experiments upon which Quantum physics is established as a branch of science.

The experiment set up apparatus demonstrating photons travel both as a wave and a partical simultaneously. It should be physically impossible for photons to travel as both a partical and wave simultaneously. Logically, a photon should travel either as a partical or wave, but not both.

From a Quantum perspective, a human being can be both wrong and right simultaneously. After reading my freelance article content the astute reader may arrive at the conclusion that this is wrong on so many different levels.

For example in my previous freelance article I described how 12 step programs are filled with an abundance of meaningfulness. Furthermore, I asserted ascribing too much meaningfulness to working 12 step programs may lead to failure of a 12 step program in maintaining sobriety.

I reasoned ascribing too much meaningfulness to working 12 step programs is contradictory to the concept of surrender or abandonment of self. In addition I asserted ascribing too much meaningfulness to working 12 step programs, as counterproductive to surrender, may lead to a mere act of just “doing” a 12 step program insead of “being” authentically who one truly is. Richard Branson discussed the concepts of “doing” versus “being in his article How to be Happy.

From a quantum perspective, I may be wrong and right simultaneously about ascribing too much meaningfulness to working 12 step programs may lead to a failure in maintaining sobriety. It is possible ascribing too little value or meaningfulness to deeply meaningful profound 12 step programs may lead to failure of maintenance of sobriety.

Despite whatever positive or negative perceptions drug addicts may ascribe to Twelve Step programs, the only transformational myth drug addicts must subscribe to is derived from asking themselves two questions. The two questions drug addicts need to ask themselves are, (1) Can I live if I continue to go on this way? (2) Do I want to live?

If a drug addict who ask themselves these questions honestly answers (1) No, I cannot live if I go on this way; I will most definitely die (2) Yes, I want to live, then a drug addict should take the advice of Big Bob Big Bill, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Come with me, if you want to live” and find the nearest meeting. At the nearest meeting drug addicts receive love and support from people with similar problems.

Ascribing too much meaningfulness to a Jungian myth or life story may be a variable that creates writers block.  Writers block occurs when flow of creativity is stymied.

In paragraphs above I shared how Carl Jung perceived the Jungian myth as a subconscious archetypes buried deep within the human psyche gradually surfacing consciously after dream analysis to become a life story. According to Carl Jung a Jungian myth as a story can become a transformational life script.

From a Quantum perspective a Jungian myth is simply a story human beings tell ourselves to be true. The truth is from a quantum perspective human beings have no clue to as to what reality is. 

Quantum physics as a branch of science gave rise to string theory.  Balanced mathematical equations demonstrate the validity of string theory. String theory predicts existence of multiple parallel universes where the laws of physics do not apply.

In my story there are three parallel universes every human being should be consciously aware of, namely heaven, hell, and puragatory. In my story there may be more than three multiple parallel universes, but heaven, hell, and puragatory is only three parallel universes I know about. 

It is because the laws of physics do not apply in multiple parallel universes the Book of Revelations cognitively projects literal Imagery of very real creatures with eyeballs all around and within singing day and night, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God’.

The Holiness of God is manifest by the fact God can look down from above and see value within each person. My effort to assert value and self worth of drug addicts in paragraphs above is sincerely noble, but from a quantum perspective my assertion of value and self worth of drug addicts is both wrong and right simultaneously.

In paragraphs above I asserted the value and self worth of drug addicts by attesting (1) drug addicts are caught up in an existential crisis because they love the entire world, every person and thing, too much, and (2) Drug addicts love the entire world too much because they are created in the image of the Almighty Omnipotent creator of the entire majestic physical universe.

Serial killers are also caught up in an existential crises. We are all created from the same atomic stardust as serial killers.

It is understandable no good decent human being desires to be yoked within the TAO concept of oneness with serial killers. However, bringing subconscious archetypes to surface within realms of consciousness to become positive powerful transformational myths that can potentially lead to recovery requires brutal honesty.  In context of a previous freelance article I wrote:

In order to break down defensive walls contributing to creation of monomaninical personalities we need to embrace the TAO concept of oneness. Although, we as Americans may have differences of opinion, and express ourselves in different ways, when philosophically contemplating the aggregate totality we exist as the flip side of the same coin.

In a previous Freelance article I provided a discussion of formation of self defensive monomaninical personalities :

In reply to my Facebook friend courageously bringing awareness about the devastating impact of drug addiction nation wide as well as in our local community I implied drug trafficking and drug addiction is largely an immigration problem. Once more, from a quantum perspective I can be both right and wrong simultaneously.

Many people are infuriated, especially during the Trump administration, about blaming immigrants for all our economic troubles, woes, and hardships.  Dr. Albert Ellis, a pioneer of Rational Emotive Therapy, states that blame is the very definition of insanity.

An NBC News article entitled, Illegal drugs flow over and under U.S. border,  discuss tons of illegal drugs that cross over the border paid for by American citizens. Drug trafficking and drug addiction is prevalent throughout American society, within every socioeconomic class, from rich, middle class to poor. The drug trade in America is financed by people belonging to  every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin.

Your commentary serves as a rallying cry for people to take action to conquer drug addiction in our local communities and in America. Your commentary is very helpful in generating public awareness about drug addiction. I certainly did not know Louisville made news for 53 overdoses in one night.

I agree that drug addiction is such a big problem it is beyond scope of any individual citizen to solve. It is going to take every American citizen to work as a team to solve problems of drug addiction.

A major factor contributing to drug addiction is that economies of developing 3rd world countries depend upon and are sustained by drug trafficking. Sadly, people within developing 3rd world countries are often forced into participating in the drug trade as an using addict and/or trafficker in order to avoid starving to death.  Certainly, no human being of good conscience thinks it is okay to include drug trafficking as a viable legitimate trade.

An article published by the World Health Organization entitled, Substance use problems in developing countries, discuss problems with drug addiction in developing countries.

It is possible Donald Trump’s crack down on Immigration may be contributing to drug overdoses. Since developing 3rd world countries economically depend upon drug trafficking it is likely drug trafficking is rampant among immigrant populations in America. 

American citizens who work with immigrant populations may also become victims of drug addiction during a battle with immense squalor of extreme object poverty that leaves people feeling hopeless in the face of starvation, despair, and extreme desperation.

The classic Hollywood blockbuster movie, What Dreams May Come, depicted a scene in which the central character went to hell to rescue his wife. On a boat ride in hell a spiritual guide sternly warned,”In hell there is real danger of losing your mind”.

The frightening scene from the classic Hollywood blockbuster, What Dreams May Come, starring Robin Williams, illustrates extreme dire economic desperation. People risk loosing their minds to the disease of drug addiction. Drug traffickers risk loosing their minds in hell.

In my freelance article entitled, Men of Letters: Our Beloved Country, the United States of America is a History of Rising Above Tumultuous Waves of Revolution because Our Founding Fathers were Men of Letters, I made the following observation:

Our beloved country, the United States of America is in a process of rising upwards and becoming more innovative to eventually become better able to help solve global problems within dynamics of a team of international partners.

An YouTube video describes how big companies are working together to build sustainable economies where people are no longer dependent upon an illegal drug trade for survival:

I wanted to finish this freelance article within this blog post. However long blog post can become unruly an unmanageable. If I insert new paragraphs I risk corrupting the entire file and loosing the entire article.So therefore, I have decided to minimize risk and published this article now.

I plan to continue my thoughts within a third freelance article entitled,

Drug Addiction Interpreted as a Jungian Archetype for Death Part III

As quoted above, Carl Jung states “Death wants something from us”. Furthermore, Carl Jung writes, “Death wants us to integrate within ourselves more of reality, including that aspect of ourselves that exists outside of space and time”

In my next freelance article I hope to explore the human psyche existing outside of space and time in hope of deriving an answer as to why drug addicts subconsciously embrace the death instinct.

A human beings psyche inundated by too much meaningfulness can become corrupted just like a long digital electronic blog post. A human psyche inundated by too much meaningfulness risk being lost just like a corrupted digital file that runs out of Random Access Memory.

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